Room hire booking form Go back to Room Hire page to see room details and photos of configurations. Hire a room - booking form 1Personal details2Dates and times3Catering options4Total cost Your full name Your organisation Email* Phone* Choose a room*Both A cold family meal pack A hot meal Kooyang Chinnup Larneuk Petyan Ballambar Note: Kooyang is our smaller room for intimate meetings and has a maximum capacity of 12 people.Note: Chinnup is a refurbished computer room and has a maximum capacity of 12 people.Note: Petyan is the third largest room and has a maximum capacity of 20 people.Note: Larneuk is the second largest room and has a maximum capacity of 32 people.Preferred room configurationCaberet - fits 40Cluster - fits 36U-shape - fits 29Preferred room configurationCaberet - fits 30Cluster - fits 32U-shape - fits 21Preferred room configurationCaberet - fits 20Cluster - fits 20U-shape - fits 19Select your dates and times.* February 2025 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 You may select multiple time slots for multi-day bookings.Room cost$ 0.00Total $ 0.00 Do you need catering?*YesNoSelect and pay for your catering now to secure availability.For information on what's in each catering item download the full catering menu here. Select from options below* HAM, CHEESE AND TOMATO CROISSANTS - 20 pieces BREAKFAST TRIFLE - 1 piece FRUIT SKEWERS PLATTER - serves 15 ASSORTED FRUIT PLATTER - serves 15 SOUPS FOR ALL (GF + VEG ONLY) - 1 serve SPINACH AND CHEDDAR TARTS - 30 pieces GARDEN EXTRAVAGANZA (VG) - serves 15 COLD MEATS PLATTER - serves 15 CHEESE PLATTER - serves 15 BREAD AND DIPS PLATTER - serves 15 WRAPS PLATTER - serves 8 EXECUTIVE POINTS SANDWICH PLATTER - 1 serve BROWNIE PLATTER - 30 pieces MACARON PLATTER - 25 pieces MINI SLICE PLATTER - 25 pieces SCONES WITH JAM AND CREAM PLATTER - 20 scones COOKIE PLATTER - 40 pieces You may select as many items as you like, please ensure you select the correct quantity below.Number of HCT croissant platters*Tell us how many platters of HCT croissants you would like. Note: there are 20 croissants per plate.Number of individual trifles*Tell us how many trifles you would like.Number of fruit skewer platters*Select how many platters of fruit skewers you would like. Note: there are 15 servings per plate.Number of assorted fruit platters*Select how many fruit platters you would like. Note: there are 15 servings per plate. Number of individual soups (min 8)*Tell us how many soups you would like. Note: minimum of 8 serves per order.Number of spinach and cheddar tart platters*Select how many platters of spinach and cheddar tarts you would like. Note: there are 30 pieces per platter.Number of vegan salads/vegetable platters*Select how many platters of vegan-friendly plant-based salads/vegetable platters you would like. Note: each platter serves 15.Number of cold meat plattersSelect how many cold meat platters you would like. Note: each platter serves 15.Number of cheese plattersSelect how many cheese platters you would like. Note: each platter serves 15.Bread and dips platterSelect how many platters of bread and dips you would like. Note: each platter serves 15.Number of wraps plattersTells us how platters of assorted wraps you would like. Note: each platters serves 8.Number of assorted sandwichesSelect how many serves of sandwiches you would like. Note: one serve per person.Number of brownie plattersSelect how many brownie platters you would like. Note: there are 30 pieces per platter.Number of macaron plattersSelect how many assorted macaron platters you would like. Note: there are 25 pieces per platter.Number of mini slice plattersSelect how many assorted mini slice platters you would like. Note: there are 25 pieces per platter.Number of scones plattersSelect how many platters you would like. Note: there are 20 scones per platter served with jam and cream.Number of cookie plattersSelect how many platters of cookies you would like. Note: there are 40 pieces per platter (assorted types and sizes).Catering timesPlease provide a specific time for when you'd like each catering item to be brought into the room. Room cost$ 0.00Total cost (including catering) $ 0.00