Creating safer drivers
A driver’s licence is essential for getting around and accessing our region’s resources and facilities.
But many people lack the support networks to get the driving experience they need. For others, there may be issues with finance or limited access to a vehicle.
Our Licensing the Wimmera program matches disadvantaged learner drivers between the ages of 16–21 (TAC L2P program) or over 21 years (P21 program) with experienced volunteer mentor drivers, who help them gain the driving experience required before they are eligible to sit for their probationary licence.
Experience for learners comes from practice drives with their mentor, along with professional driving lessons. Volunteers are trained through VicRoads, and all mentors must complete appropriate checks and have a satisfactory driving history.
TAC L2P Program
The TAC L2P Program assists disadvantaged Victorian learner drivers aged 16 to 21 with no access to a supervising driver or vehicle to gain the 120 hours driving experience required to apply for a probationary licence.
The TAC L2P Program is funded by the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), managed by the Department of Transport (DoT), supported by the Victorian Government and coordinated by Centre for Participation.
Who is eligible for the TAC L2P program?
Learners need to meet the following criteria to join the TAC L2P program:
- be between 16 and 21 years old
- hold a current learner permit
- have no access to a vehicle or a supervising driver*
- live in either Horsham Rural City Council, Hindmarsh Shire, West Wimmera Shire or Yarriambiack Shire.
* Applications outside of the standard criteria will also be considered, please contact your L2P Coordinator for further information.
The TAC L2P Program is free for eligible young people and includes limited professional driving lessons. L2P does not pay for you to get your learner’s permit or the probationary driving test itself. To access the service you need to:
Login to your myVicRoads account or Create an account to get started.
- Navigate to Licenses and Learner Permits in your account
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Apply as a learner in the TAC L2P Program to go to the learner’s online application form.
Alternatively you can Contact us on 5382 5607.
Join the P21 program
You will:
- be over the age of 21
- hold a current learner’s permit
- not have access to either a vehicle, a supervising driver or both
- meet with the coordinator for an intake interview.
P21 works on a user-pays system. P21 does not pay for you to get your learner’s permit or any professional driving lessons. Contact us to discuss eligibility.
Become a mentor
Mentors attend training approved by VicRoads prior to being accepted into the program. Mentors must have a full (non-probationary) current Victorian driver’s licence with a good driving history.
Volunteer mentors act as supervising drivers to support learners and supervise their on-road driving practice while using one of our vehicles.