Launch of the Community Resilience Framework for Emergency Management
The Emergency management sector has a unique place in the community. It enjoys the trust of the community. Its staff and volunteers are usually active members of their communities. How the sector connects with community has a direct impact upon community safely and resilience.
The Community Resilience Framework for Emergency Management recognises the role of the emergency management sector in building, contributing to, and supporting community resilience. The concepts outlined in the Framework are not entirely new, but provide an invitation to organisations to build on, enhance, and adapt activities through a common approach with community at the centre of everything that we do.
Regardless of the sector’s efforts, natural disasters and emergencies are inevitable. Part of the resilience-based approach is simply accepting that, despite our best efforts, we will be challenged and confronted with loss. However, it is possible for the sector to integrate, better prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies to reduce individual and collective consequences.
It is only through agencies, departments, industry, business, all levels of government and community working together that a sustainable emergency management system that builds resilience to emergencies will be realised.
For further information, download a copy of the framework below or click here.
VIEW a copy of the Community Resilience Framework for Emergency Management.
For further information, guidance or help applying the Framework please email communityresilience@emv.vic.