A range of new and updated resources are now available online from Justice Connect’s Not-for-Profit Law.
The resources include a checklist for events, information on insolvency, a fact sheet on changing an organisation’s structure from an incorporated association, and a guide to risk management.
Checklist: to complete when holding an event *new national resource*
This checklist highlights some of the major considerations for community organisations when holding an event.
Insurance and risk management for community organisations *new national resource*
This guide covers the risks associated with running a community organisation, measures that can be taken to avoid or minimise risks, and choosing the right type of insurance.
Ending an organisation – FAQs *new national resource*
This fact sheet aims to answer the frequently asked questions about the process of ending an incorporated association or company limited by guarantee.
Insolvency and your organisation *new national resource*
This fact sheet covers what it means to be insolvent, the duty to prevent insolvency, the key warning signs of, and how to protect against insolvency.
Who can conduct an audit of fundraising accounts? *new*
This fact sheet provides an overview of the different definitions of ‘auditor’ under the relevant fundraising regimes in each Australian state and territory.
Changing your organisation’s structure from an incorporated association (NSW) *updated*
This fact sheet helps organisations considering changing their legal structure and outlines how to make the change.
Financial reporting for charities *updated*
This fact sheet sets out financial reporting requirements for registered charities.